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Seattle, WA (via Austin, TX), United States
Upon returning from our 10-week adventure in Southeast Asia (SEA), we made the plunge and moved to Seattle (SEA). Follow our adventure...

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Singapore and Bintan

Donovan Writes:
Fortunately we have easy access to a computer here, so updating this blog is easy. Probably won't experience this in Cambodia or Vietnam.

Yesterday morning we spent some time planning the next leg of our trip (we've got to do it sometime, right?). Bought two tickets to Siem Reap, Cambodia for next Thursday. Since it was much cheaper to fly on that day, we moved up our reservations in Bintan, Indonesia for Monday and Tuesday night so that we would be back in Singapore in time to catch the early morning flight to Siem Reap. Heading to Vietnam after Cambodia, but we'll plan that adventure another day.

Went to breakfast this morning with Iggy and Weylin at the Gismo Hawker. Tried various food from the many stands. The roast duck and cakes with curry sauce were the highlights of this meal. Also enjoyed the shrimp dumpling soup. Although the food is really cheap here in Singapore, the cost of living isn't. Driving a car here is a luxury, and housing is very expensive. Luckily, they have a fantastic continuously-expanding public transportation system that the population utlizes.

After brunch, Iggy dropped us off to explore the city. We started in Little India, visiting various temples and shops, and then headed to a middle eastern neighborhood. I, of course, followed Jess around as she shopped. I was very tolerant. Hopped on the subway f0r a visit to Chinatown, stopping occasionally for a drink or a snack. Singapore is super humid and hot this time of year (or maybe it is like this year round). Better to get used to this weather sooner than later.

This country is entirely about food. Every street corner has a restaurant, and each one always has folks enjoying some type of delicious snack. Between the hawkers, street vendors, and food courts there must be thousands of venues within the downtown area alone. You don't see any bars and luckily the Starbucks are few and far between. I don't understand how everyone here isn't overweight.

After dark, we headed to the Night Safari. This was a zoo for nocturnal animals. We saw some interesting creatures on the tram tour, but as jet lag was still effecting us as we both were falling asleep at the end. It was an early night after that.

Iggy's dad claims there are monkeys who move daily between the forest and the jungle near their house. He says they knock over the trash cans and get into the garbage. He said he puts bricks in the trashcan to keep them upright. I'll believe it when I see them. I've got the camera ready.

This morning, we packed up our stuff and Iggy took us to the ferry to Bintan. The resort is beautiful and should be a pleasant break; a good time to plan the rest of the trip. Being here on a weekday in the off season means we have the place to ourselves. I'm really starting to chill out and get into the traveling mode.

Of course, the first thing I see is the ATV tours of the island so Jess wasn't surprised when I suggested we set one up. Although the ATV's engine lacked some horsepower, I was still able to rip the chain off and render mine useless within the first part of the trip. Luckily, the guide's ATV also failed, so we hung out in the jungle, eating wild berries and watching the monkies until our replacements arrived. The private tour continued, and because the guide felt bad for the delay, he led us on an extended ride that ended on the beach. (see video of donuts on the sand).

Back to reality, it's time to start planning the rest of the trip...


Unknown said...

Fun! This blog is great ya'll.

Knickie O said...

hahaha it ain't gismo dood, it's GHIM MOH market.
anyhoos...this is great! keep bloggin!